The results show that public schools (56%) need more work and investment of efforts in the following areas:
-Ways of improving students’ learning and competencies inside and outside school;
-Renovating curricula and programs to improve learning, teaching and assessment;
-Strengthening the connection between the school and the community by effectuating the role of parents and civic associations that is concerned with education and the reinforcement of the role of schools;
-Strengthening the connection between the school and the community by effectuating the role of parents and civic associations that is concerned with education and the reinforcement of the role of schools;
-Bettering the school environment and, by extension, making it appealing to learners;
-Opening school doors to life through effective interactions and partnership schemes between parents and tutors of students and civil society;
-Providing all assets and resources that are conducive to the on-going enhancement of high quality learning inside and outside the school in a world of international new challenges that the school has to meet to enter the world of competition and quality of outputs.
-Opening school doors to life through effective interactions and partnership schemes between parents and tutors of students and civil society;
-Providing all assets and resources that are conducive to the on-going enhancement of high quality learning inside and outside the school in a world of international new challenges that the school has to meet to enter the world of competition and quality of outputs.
This part has allowed us the opportunity to recognize the status of both public and private schools in terms of the learning outcomes and ability to rise of students’ success in three “délégations” in the “academie of the the Great Casablanca”; namely Nouasser ‘délégation’, Ain Choq, Mohammedia ‘délégation’, Ben Slimane ‘délégation’ in the “Chaouia Ouardigha’ Academy. This has helped us see the most important requirements that impact the enhancement of the learning quality inside and outside school. They have also shed light on the aspects of schools that need to be improved and the practical suggestions, means and procedures necessary to achieve the expected quality.
The coming section will try to answer the following question:
What are the most important requirements for the enhancement of learning in the secondary school?