Requirements for the enhancement of learning
in the lower secondary school
The table shows that ‘Al Maarif private school’ has realised the highest indicators in the various requirements for learning enhancement inside and outside school. It also indicates the general improvement in the middle school’s performance and shows how these requirements are translated practically in the reality of the school. The chart below shows the sum of the positive indicators of the learning enhancement requirements:
The indicators have improved significantly in the sample of schools with a very little variance despite the difference in the context (rural or urban) or in the education type (public or private) as is shown in the table below:
The rest of the sample proves the improvement of indicators’ percentages in the learning enhancement inside and outside schools. However, there are some differences which stem from whether the school is private or public, or whether it is urban or rural. These factors might not constrain performance quality if specific and shared standards for assessment are available and practised.
3.2. This reinforces and justifies the high success rates in the middle school degree as is shown in the results of students during the two school years (2006-2008):
3. Areas that need improvement
The table above shows the various areas that need to be improved to support the requirements for learning enhancement, especially in the rural areas as is the case of Al Mansouria middle school which still needs to invest a lot in human resources. The Berrada and Bousekkoura’s public schools needs are less severe. Al Mansouria middle school is different from the other schools in all aspects as one might deduce from the table below: