I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Idris Hijazi from the UNESCO regional office in Beirut and Dr. Maria Melveri from UNESCO Paris for their encouragement of , and keen interest in, this study and for their having chosen Morocco’s representatives to make a contribution to the invaluable studies prescribed by the Regional Workshop convened in Cairo from March 11th through 13th, 2008. These studies will certainly effectuate the role that scientific research plays in raising the standards of education and in enhancing learning in the Arab countries so that they can meet the new challenges of a globalized world.
I would also like to thank Khadija Chakir the inspector General of pedagogical affairs of the Ministry of National Education in Morocco, for her support without which this work would not have been possible.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the heads of the Ministry of National Education ‘délégations’ specially Nouasser “delegation” within the Regional Academies for Education and Training of ‘Greater Casablanca, and ‘Echaouia Ourdigha’ -- the two venues of this study.
My special thanks go to the heads of schools, administration staff and to the teachers for both the primary and lower secondary schools who were as motivated to contribute to the successful achievement of this research and who willingly made the required data available to us.
My special acknowledgement goes to the members of the research team who, through their cooperation, hard work and team spirit made this study possible. Particular thanks should go to Ahmed Chaibi who has taken part in the research and translated the whole work into English.
My special thanks go to Dr. Sobhi Tawil from UNESCO program education Rabat for his collaboration in this moroccan study for enhancement learning.
Huge efforts are being made by the Arab countries to improve education in all its aspects and dimensions. These efforts, which are also directed towards other areas and levels, are coupled with a willingness to achieve a comprehensive ongoing development and a universally recognized level of quality. My deepest gratitude goes to all those who are keenly aware of such efforts.